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It is quite clear today that our educational system has failed and the goals of the students of the past are in a jeopardy and have not been attained. This is because the teachers of today are focused on teaching the General Knowledge in the subject and not the skilled knowledge. As a result, the graduates of today think about jobs with big names and not the creativity and skill behind the job. The society is full with more and more job seekers but no one is solving this problem because the system is failing seriously and can’t enable the creation of jobs suitable for the 21 century people. Students can’t apply what they’ve learnt in school because there’s literally no way to start. This dilemma has become quite evident lately.

  • First was the Boko haram war in the Far North Region of Cameroon.
  • Secondly the Anglophone crisis in the North West and South west Region.
  • Third is the Covid-19 pandemic
  • And then what’s next? All these societal ills are threatening our academic sector seriously hence placing our teachers and Student to test. The clear fact is both teachers and students have nothing to write home about in such situations.



I think the fault of this emptiness is caused by the teachers. I don’t want to mention the government because the story might last.

  • Our teachers aren’t practicing what they teach.
  • The students can’t identify the application of skill from the lesson taught in class to any real world scenario and Model. “How can a bling man lead another blind man?”.


  1. A “TRUE” Teacher of this new era should be a model not in the talking but in the doing(action): Let the students worship their teachers and see in them a leading example with a correct life style and model. Just like our French speaking brothers would call it “Un Model par excellence”. For example, a Teacher of ICT and Computer Science should own an IT company that creates Digital services to enable small businesses around or reduce the work load in the society, while a teacher of economics own a banking system or trade union.
  2. A teacher should be able to employ his students to carry out a job at his/her company after they graduate from school. Every one teacher should ask himself the Question “You are training that who should employ?”. Teachers should create jobs and develop their practical skills so that students can start learning and cultivating the skills in them from the lesson acquired in class.
  3. I think the government need to retrain all those teachers who have graduated from ENS between the year 2017 to 2020. Honestly these elements don’t know how to teach. ENS now seem to be rushing the training program and forgetting the underlying duty of a teacher is to educate the Children to become better people in the society both Morally and practically. No doubt students have the effrontery to fight, insult and even kill their teachers. Knowledge According to my humble self is Composed of
  • Feasible ideas,
  • Discipline and
  • Character.
  1. A teacher of the 21 Century should teach wherever he/she is found. It could be from home, office, market, car, etc. literally when a teacher, you are a teacher for life and for all. st
  2. A good teacher should do research often. Many assumptions (say at 90%) that early educationist made are not applicable in our today’s society and the students need to know about the changes so it doesn’t become a rule of thumb.
  3. Technology is the standard and must be put to practice by every teacher.
  4. Teachers should teach with Projections, Models and Simulations. It used to be funny and interesting at first to imagine the concepts delineated in the lesson by the teacher while in class. But now it’s no longer funny. Our students of today have many distraction and have issues retaining what they can’t see, taste, smell or touch. Listening now is boring to them. so teaching method must change.


To end this Article, I’ll say teachers arise and be the change. Africa Can be Different if Teachers rise and make impact by becoming leading examples as business men, Agribusiness technicians and Digital Entrepreneurs.







  1. Beautiful! African teachers arise. Looking into it keenly, these days students of don't attend school or pay school fee because they want to be taught by the teacher. They are more satisfied when the teachers don't come to school or give evaluations. The more educated by their peers and the school environment. At the end of the day some of them copy their friends attitudes to the society not the lesson from the teacher.


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