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Since in time past or antiquity, few females have figured amidst discorveries in modern civilization, Science, technology and Religion. We have big names like, 

Augusta Ada with her contribution in mathematics and programming of the analytic engine.

Marie Curie with her discovery of the Radioactive element polonium and Radium. As well as her invention of the mobile x-ray.

Rosalind Franklin the chemist who discovered the double helix structure of the DNA. Just to mention this few

We have also been hearing names like Oprah Winfrey USA, Gini Rometty of IBM, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Queen Elizabeth of England, Ellen Johnson of Liberia, St. Bakita who have Lead Digital organisations and Religious movements.

This is a big proof that the fight for Women Empowerment is yielding its fruits. However, many questions runs in one’s mind; but most appealing and compelling at a short sightedness is the fact that despite the fame and influence or contributions of these women, there is yet an overwhelming dependency rate of our African women when we consider the financial level. Why are women  today still dependent and opportunistic when it comes to financing, Contributing and development?

This Article is geared at laying much emphasis on the fact that Africa’s growth begins when women have accepted the responsibility of assisting and complementing men in the pursued for emmergence and Industrialization.

The greatest pain is when we see industrious men who can make significant difference in the world of Entrepreneurship get ruined because they have fallen in love and are financially drained by the women they so much loved. This attitude is very common with our Beti and Makon Women of Cameroon. Who at the least pronunciation of the word “I love you” from the man, suddenly becomes penniless, homeless, fatherless, clothless, hopeless, etc. although Religious beliefs and some political policies contribute to these fleo, our women can do better.

Africa is developing and our women have the natural gift of nurturing life. If they take every idea as a child, they definitely would bring to the table many ideas that everyone can act upon and feed them. It doesn’t suffice to sit back and say my husband, my dad, my brother is stronger than me. The process of developing an idea from scratch to a salable or consumable product doesn’t need strength, it takes will and perseverance which they have, love which they also have, consistency, knowledge and communication. Nobody can argue the fact that Women embody all these qualities at the same time. These qualities are vital for growth. Especially now that we are at the edge of chaos of economic and health degradation. Experience has proven that women are better managers than men. They just need to learn why, how, what risk to take and when to take risk and we're sure the narratives will change.

What destroys self-confidence in women is the contented tendency. Many women today though have gone to school see marriage as the epitome of success. some of them go into marriage without reasons, purpose or ambitions and end up luring the most industrious men to remain at average position and some times poverty. This is repudiating. Take for instance if you need to marry, let both man and woman do it with the same purpose of growth. Which is not necessarily limited to the family but also to the growth of the society. one person ensue risk management while the other resource allocation. An example of an African women that helped her man achieved the big dream was late Winnie Mandela wife of late President Nelson Mandela. He spent 27yrs in prison while fighting for the anti-apatite struggle. But after his release, she(Winnie) was still there waiting and assisted him to win the struggle. That is an example of an African woman who grew into through the suffering of the marriage but sustained it to the end although the then precarious situation.

Everyone needs help even men. If women can avoid asking for help all the time and perhaps granting more help than asking, they’ll be contributing enormously to the lives of men who have dreams and need to save funds to seed their ideas.

Women are good in understanding and can focus in academics better than men. That means they can become the source of knowledge and leaders in our society. I know its hard thing to do when it comes to African politics. All we need is for women to try new and daring adventures.

Women are undoubtedly convincing. They have all the facade it takes to beatify a product or scenario. Instead of using this skill in taking money out of men’s pockets, let them use it to convince men to invest in new ventures like agribusiness, Entrepreneurship, Plant biology, Politics, etc.  

Conclusively, I believe that a few are trying hard to make the difference. I’m thinking about all the ladies who make LENJVAL Technologies a great company like Fru Glory Che, Lenjo Audry, Aïchatou Menguot and also to Miss Fru Katherine the Queen mother of a MULTI USHERING AGENCY(MUA). Not forgetting all the single mothers who have been neglected by men to phase the burden of child bearing alone. May God bless the fruits of your labour. Together we stand, divided we fall. Both men and women are equals. 


  1. I strongly believe in this our generation, that women will top up.
    Beautiful write up

    1. You can say that again. I believe in the woman power.


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