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Showing posts from December, 2020


It is quite clear today that our educational system has failed and the goals of the students of the past are in a jeopardy and have not been attained. This is because the teachers of today are focused on teaching the General Knowledge in the subject and not the skilled knowledge. As a result, the graduates of today think about jobs with big names and not the creativity and skill behind the job. The society is full with more and more job seekers but no one is solving this problem because the system is failing seriously and can’t enable the creation of jobs suitable for the 21 century people. Students can’t apply what they’ve learnt in school because there’s literally no way to start. This dilemma has become quite evident lately. First was the Boko haram war in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Secondly the Anglophone crisis in the North West and South west Region. Third is the Covid-19 pandemic And then what’s next? All these societal ills are threatening our academic sector seriously h...


In this article, we shall be outlining to you some tangible reasons why not to engage in loans for the sake of starting a business. Now before I continue, let me make this very clear to the readers. I haven’t said “you should not borrow money to invest in business” but rather “Don’t borrow money to start a business.” In other word I am saying that you should start a business with money from your sweat or earnings from your efforts for nature to bless you. And again, I am talking about a long term business here (a system) not a subsistent or temporal business. Do not use borrowed money as a Startup for the following reasons: Whenever you borrow anything, whoever borrowed to you especially money belittles you for a long time in his heart until you return the dept. Don’t sell yourself short. Borrowing money as a Startup is an Uncalculated risk because you are starting a venture even you do not understand and master. Business must be planned strategically. Actually it is a bet of whic...


Big winners like Alicko Dangote, Bill Gate, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Ma etc. advise us to start investing our skill early in life if we want to build great wealth. The questions that you might be thinking of asking are: Is that all? What about the Capital needed? Where can a youth get Capital to start a business?   In this article, I shall be throwing more light on this questing for your understanding. Our Objective is to cancel the idea many people have of borrowing funds for pretends of starting a business (Very bad model). Here are some 5 tips enterprising youths can use to raise Seed Capital for business. Work for somebody (if possible a small business) who you think can Model you at the same time pay you for your services rendered. Make a business plan and analyze the budget needed to start and run your own business. Save 20% of salary periodically for a scheduled time frame until you reach your target amount. Case 1: Let’s take for example you intern to start a m...


We are living in difficult times, a time of competition and innovation. Time of information, a time when it is clear that the rich live in abundance while the poor live in scarcity. Where does this dichotomy come from? What do people do to be different? How is it done? And then why do we do what we do?      Asking these questing of “WHY”, brings us closer to discovering how, where, when, and what we need to do to make things better for ourselves, for others and for the Universe. The reason why we do what we do is because we are driven by purpose and believe. Simon Sinek describes purpose in his book “THE INFINITE GAME” as an endless feeling of fulfilment and passion to doing what needs to be done throughout our life nor matter what risk involved. It is our IKIGAI (the Japanese Formula for Happiness). Our sense of purpose is what leads us to The Big Picture. THE BIG PICTURE is a clear mental definition of what you want to achieve. Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and G...